Aiuto urgente regole gioco dicarte cinese - Richieste di Aiuto - Associna Forum

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Aiuto urgente regole gioco dicarte cinese
« il: 25 Aprile, 2010, 18:04:43 pm »
Salve a tutti sono a una "festa" cinese e sono l'unico italiano, mi hanno chiesto di fare un gioco ma non riescono a spiegarmi le regole per via della mancanza di padronanza della lingua italiana... Io vorrei partecipare ma solo guardando non riesco a capire le regole e mi chiedevo se qualcuno le conoscesse e fosse in grado di espormele in italiano... Il gioco lo chiamano semplicemente "80" si gioca con due mazzi di carte da poker in quattro persone 2 contro 2, se qualuno capisce di che gioco parlo e mi potesse esporre il regolamento mi aiuterebbe...

Grazie a tutti...
« Ultima modifica: 01 Gennaio, 1970, 01:00:00 am da wensdeil »


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(Nessun oggetto)
« Risposta #1 il: 25 Aprile, 2010, 19:45:05 pm »
esiste questo gioco  di carte cinese che si fa con  80 carte, ma con carte ad ideogrammi:

magari quello che hai visto é una versione fatta usando le carte da poker...?
« Ultima modifica: 01 Gennaio, 1970, 01:00:00 am da cavallo »
"anche se voi vi credete assolti, siete lo stesso coinvolti" (Fabrizio De André)


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manuale in inglese
« Risposta #2 il: 28 Aprile, 2010, 23:33:57 pm »
ho trovato solo la versione in inglese:
1. Basic rules
Number of Players: 4
Team: The home is a team of two
Number of cards: two cards a total of 108 cards

2. The order of the cards
If the Council is a single button or a flat buckle, from a Council on the first player out of cards began to finished cards.
If this is the first game, the new Bureau, the Bureau or the Bureau of Non-Metallic Twill end of the normal end of the (escape) the case, then randomly select a player, first-out cards.

3. Card type
Leaflet: Arbitrary a single card
Straight: Any five or more than five points connected to the card 2 and Wang does not appear in the straight in the
Pair: Any two points are the same card
Even the right: more than three pairs, or three pairs of points connected to the card, such as: 556,677.2 and Wang does not appear in even the right of
3: Any three points are the same card
Even 3: three or more than three points connected to three cards, such as: 555,666,777.2 and Wang does not appear in even the pair.
Bombs: four or more points the same card, such as: 66666.
King of bombs: 4 trump card.

4. Comparison of card-type
Points size:
From large to small inferior race, as follows: King, Xiao Wang, 2, A, K, Q, J, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3

Card type size:
Leaflets, Junko, pair, even the right, three, even three card type, card type directly from the largest comparative size of the card points, but requires a license type and license number must be the same.

Bombs more than any other non-card-type bombs.
The same as the bomb card type, if the card and the same number of points determined according to the size of card, or card and a few more bigger.
King of the biggest bombs.

5. When a player finished out of the hands of cards, if other players have to give up. Then the next round of any of the cards on the right is his home
« Ultima modifica: 01 Gennaio, 1970, 01:00:00 am da yuri »