Selezioni per un giovane ing. elettrico o elettronico di nazionalità cinese - Bacheca Annunci - Associna Forum

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  • Post: 1.273
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Tenova is looking for Fresh Graduates in Electrical or Electronic Engineer:

 (Ref. TN-Young ELE/2011)

The candidate will join the Steel Shop Business and will carry out the following activities:

- basic engineering and design of Medium Voltage supply and Low Voltage and Automation System of Electric Arc Furnace and Ladle Furnace;

- coordination of project activities: engineering development, supplier technical management, technical meeting with Customers, test supply and relevant on-site plant start-up.



- Degree in electrical/electronic engineering

- Good knowledge of Microsoft Windows Operating System;

- Fluent in English both written and spoken

- Essential requirement: fluent Chinese, both spoken and written

- Nice to have: basic level of Italian

- Excellent interpersonal skills, dynamism, flexibility, result-oriented, teamwork, analysis

Workplace: Milan

Interested candidates are requested to send their CV, complete with authorization to process personal data in accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 and reference of the announcement to the following e-mail:
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