Nel 2010 ci saranno 50 milioni di turisti cinesi e nel 2020 100 milioni, ma solo un terzo di questi saranno turisti che varcheranno i loro confini nazionali. Comunque sono un numero considerevole.
Nor are the Chinese likely to resemble the free-spending Japanese visitors who lifted global tourism revenues in the 1980s. Most first-time travellers from the mainland are deeply frugal. Typically, a Chinese tour group will choose the cheapest hotelùeven if it is 50km (30 miles) outside a cityùtravel by bus and eat only Chinese food, says Wolfgang Georg Arlt, a professor of tourism at Stralsund University in Germany
I cinesi mangiano solo cinese, questo è vero ed è vero forse anche che scelgono hotel questo perchè in cina un hotel da 3 stelle vale come un hotel da 6 stelle in italia.
Chinese tourists are willing to put up with hard beds and cold noodles for a reason: they are champion shoppers who prefer to concentrate their spending on luxury branded goods, which are cheaper than back home and guaranteed not to be fakes. In 2005 they spent more on shopping, per day and per trip, than travellers from Europe, Japan or America.
Those that do best, though, understand that Chinese shoppers can be tough customers, says Mr Arlt. ôCompared with the Japanese, Chinese mainland tourists coming to Europe for the first time are ruder, louder and more demanding,ö he says, citing a tendency to smoke under ôno smokingö signs, haggle over prices and rip off packaging at the checkout to be sure that everything is in the box. ôAll that makes sense in China, but European salespeople think it is very rude,ö says Mr Arlt.
è in parte vero, ma questo dipende da abitudini, se vogliono i soldi cinesi devono adattarsi se no vanno in altri posti e addio turisti cinesi